Cyber Safety

Kids do prefer their privacy when grown in the daily habit of parents' free and cautious (preventive) talk on the impact of society's day-to-day on goings. In tune they need support and guidance from trusted elders to help them make good choices and stay safe. Parents, teachers and caregivers need to respect students safety online.

A few points to keep in under this are:

Converse to your child

Start to teach on sex, impact of liquor, gambling, video games and hacks at an early age. Initiating such talks we tend to clear the impact of such things which would track the child to illegal activities in future or to have a burden free, positive and peaceful life. By this the correct message reaches a child in time and would help them to act when cross such sites or situations in life. Let the child to know the law that helps to protect the child in the society and have homely rule that helps them to protect from the activities and bring negative impact to the child. This would be enhanced when are said about the reasons for age restrictions, and explain the risks behind in an age-appropriate way. Often have a free talk on their private matters to know better about them and to track each child. Ask the child in what they worry often and give more knowledge and support to identify the way to go well with. A motherly class teacher can evoke to speak on in exploring the thoughts, worries and others if any. It need to know the apps and games the children are playing, the privacy they maintain and security they need.

Be intact to share

A child may be pressurized by the social media to share the private information, feelings, images or thoughts in social media to get into a web site or app or game. Here the child need to have an idea on, personal information if shared what would be the impact. They need to know that cyber pulling would lead to a pitfall in near future and the impact could not be disclosed to anyone. Clearing such situations and coming out of it is a necessary. So they should be careful about disclosing the things to friends even as it would change the future in a different way. Teach them some skills like taking to another job for a while (like gardening, stamp collection, coin colletion, painting, craft making and dancing) or taking deep breath or counting numbers and then think of the impact and avoid the situation of sharing something. If a student is in the feeling of sharing something then should be given importance by the adult. Same way a child should ask doubt to an adult before going into the process of sharing something. Let them to aware the scams or cheats going on in society and cyber sites. The cheat may be in form of an advertisement to pull you towards or seeking passwords and identities. So do not reveal anything till you know that the site is a true site by discussion with some reliable elders (parents or teachers).

Check on the privacy settings

Children should be taught to identify the privacy settings to control the access of private information. Privacy settings are to be bespoken according to the age, the ground they are using and the type of information they are sharing. Certain apps like Snapchat, as an example, would identify the current location of a person. This would help a person to kidnap. This can put a child at serious risk. So plan and be. Check on this stuff for further clarification "Classroom Resources" dear teachers, parents and students.

Privacy policies to be read

Need to read the privacy policies patiently as we counted 1 to 50 or planned to go with a hobby to think a while and change the track. This will give information on what risk is behind the usage of a site or game. Pick the points in it and then click on 'I agree'. Do check on for instagram, and for face book terms of service and the like. This is what it is given in instagram terms: "Permission to use your username, profile picture, and information about your relationships and actions with accounts, ads, and sponsored content. You give us permission to show your username, profile picture, and information about your actions (such as likes) or relationships (such as follows) next to or in connection with accounts, ads, offers, and other sponsored content that you follow or engage with that are displayed on Face book Products, without any compensation to you."

Respect others in online

Sharing personal information may affect others too. Sharing with friends and families should not hurt anyone. Information sharing should be with empathy, compassion and respect as like that we talk face to face in full understanding. Students need to obtain permission before posting personal details and images. In parellel parents too should also stop and think before sharing information about themselves and their children. Kids will be more likely to take messages about privacy seriously if the parents model those behaviours themselves.

Respect the self in online

Need to listen and respect the self is important at first note. Listening on how one is honest in showing respect to the self, being kind to the self and not pit falling down the self will respect others. This is not the vision made on self but honestly knowing and valuing the others self like your own. So ultimately need to respect words both ways to get respect from each other. Give and take policy would work out well here.

For parents for child's safety in school:

To be in the Campus:

For the protection of students and staff, all visitors are required to inform to the main office before going to any other part of the campus.

Standard Procedures for Visitors:

Greeted to find out the reason for your visit

Asked to sign in and out using a visitor log book

Will be issued a visitor name badge

Clearing the clarifications in office has to return the name badge and sign with time in visitor's log book.

Be with your Child:

Parents have to speak much with the children to get to know about the ongoing topic in a subject, teaching method and evaluation techniques so to adopt to that environment. When parents take up this the students will take the school concern seriously as well.

When your Child is Sick:

Better choice is to stay home if your child have fever, nauseated, vomited, or have diarrhea. Parents should use the “Leave Record” form while applying for leave.

Parents can be part of teaching faculty by being with ARKA as:

  • a classroom helper
  • in fairs
  • in Field trips
  • in board meetings
  • a library assistant
  • reading a story to the class
  • giving a talk
  • attending school concerts or plays

  • Be a Study Helper:

    Studying may make your child to feel bored or scary or lazy and helping your child with study skills may help them to get good learning habits throughout life. So it is a reward to your child. The learning method may be:

  • Pictorical learning
  • Mind mapping
  • Flow chart making
  • Hands on or real time learning
  • Teaching ot hers
  • Teaching others
  • Exploring
  • Brain Storming

  • Make organized:

    Children getting sidetracked can be seen often. It needs a better guidance from the parent as well as school side. It counts for an organized work of what they did or to do. Homework folder (school has to supply this) should be tracked to complete the home works and projects well in hand. Working on this every school night would suffice the knowledge development. The work should be set up in a home work bin and completed one by one having a check list in hand and ticking off the finished works. One can keep a special bin for the completed homework or project. Parents help in completing in this way. Here organizational skill is learned and practiced.

    Be a Study Helper:

    A nutritious breakfast give a nutritious day for the brain. A boost for the attention in class, conscious work outs, concentrated learning, and developing a good memory is given by a best motivation by the parent. Give right amount of sleep by making your child to be on time to sleep. Children of school-age need 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night. It may be reduced because of TVs, computers, mobile video games, and hectic family plan. Parents have to check on in this concern and make your child to sleep in time. This may lead to hyperactive conditions whereby may feel hard to be in school and get in contact with the everyday teachings.

    Bring to Knowledge about the Home Situation:

    The home situation may change depending on the situation arises and it should be noted to the school so to deal with the child in a way to be in track and not get distracted.

    School Traffic:

    Do not try to violate school traffic which would disturb the other students as well as the parents. Let we give way to others.